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作者:钟毅平  屈卫国 
单位:湖南师范大学心理系 湖南 长沙 410081 
关键词:非直义语言 右半球 ERP N400 


The nonliteral language and the literal language may be stored and processed differently in the brain.This review examines studies on idiom,metaphor and prosody processing by event-related brain potentials(ERPs).Many kinds of nonliteral languages,may be automatic speech modulated by the right hemisphere.What are to be further examined is the research paradigm of nonliteral language,the development of automatic speech and the social and emotional interaction.


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[21] Kazmerski VA,Blasko DG,Dessalegn BG.ERP and behavioral evidence of individual differences in metaphor comprehension.Memory & Cognition,2003,31(5):673-689
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[23] Blasko DG,Kazmerski VA.ERP Correlates of Individual Differences in the Comprehension of Nonliteral Language.Metaphor and Symbol,2006,21(4):267-284


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