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作者:徐琴美1  徐慧颖1  王婷2 
单位:1. 浙江大学心理与行为科学系 浙江 杭州 310028 
 浙江财经学院法学院 浙江 杭州 310018 
关键词:高中生 问题行为 三视角 


Objective: To explore the particularity of high school students’ problem behaviors with three-perspective analysis.Methods: Students,parents and teachers were tested by High School Students’ Problem Behavior Questionnaire based on item analysis of open-ended investigation.Results: ①Concerning the identification of problem behaviors,the behaviors such as taking drugs,committing suicide,and stealing got higher scores by students’ self-rating; the behaviors such as running away from home,stealing,and intimidating got higher scores by parent-rating; and the behaviors such as cheating,learning without motivation or objective,and bad learning habits got higher scores by teacher-rating.②Students,parents and teachers all agreed on the following high frequency problem behaviors; worrying about scores,rarely doing housework,concentration deficits and bad learning habits.③The frequencies of problem behaviors reported by students were higher than those by their parents.Conclusion: There are significant differences in the identification of problem behaviors among students,parents and teachers,however,the three parts have similar views on the most common problem behaviors.


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