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作者:柯铭1 2  邹然3  沈辉2  刘哲宁3  薛志敏3  胡德文2 
单位:1. 兰州理工大学计算机与通信学院  甘肃 兰州 730050 
 国防科技大学机电工程与自动化学院  湖南 长沙 410073 
关键词:复杂网络 精神分裂症 阳性症状 阴性症状 


Objective:To compare the differences of topological properties of brain functional networks between the schizophrenics with positive and negative symptoms.Methods:The resting-state fMRI data were obtained from 14 schizophrenics with negative symptoms (negative group), 14 schizophrenics with positive symptoms (positive group) and 14 normal healthy subjects(control group). The brain functional networks were constructed based on the complex network theory, and the topological properties of the networks were analyzed.Results:The brain functional networks had significant small-world properties in the three groups and these properties were reduced in the schizophrenics. The small-world properties were lower in the negative group than in the positive group.Conclusion:The brain functional networks are altered in schizophrenics, and the positive group and negative group have different network topological properties of the brain. These findings suggest that the negative and positive subtype of schizophrenics possibly display different basis of neurobiology.


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