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作者:沈树红1  郭起浩2  王少石1 
单位:1. 上海市第一人民医院分院神经内科  上海 200081 
 复旦大学附属华山医院神经内科  上海 200040 
关键词:画钟测验 阿尔茨海默病 神经心理学测验 


Objective:To probe the significance of spontaneous and mimicking clock drawing tests (CDT) to evaluate the severity of Alzheimer'sdisease (AD).Methods:30 normal middle aged to senile people as the control, and 20 amnestic mild cognitive impairment patients, 20 mild AD patients, 19 moderate AD patients and 14 severe AD patients were asked to finish the series of neuropsychologic test including the spontaneous and mimicking clock drawing tests.Results:For spontaneous CDT, there was significant difference in the "anchoring part"(draw the four key points-12-3-69 first) between the MCI patients and normal controls (P<0.05), but there was no significant difference in the digital part and the finger part between them. There was apparent discrepancy in the three forementioned parts between the mild AD patients and the normal controls. Analysis of the CDT components showed that the anchoring part declined earlier and faster than the others, the digital part was the slowest to decline and the finger part was in between. For the total score of mimicking CDT, there was obvious difference between the mild AD and the moderate AD groups (P<0.05), so was the moderate and the severe groups. But there was no discrepancy between the normal controls and MCI patients, nor was MCI and mild AD patients.Conclusion:Spontaneous CDT helps to recognize the MCI and mild AD patients and mimicking CDT helps to differentiate the severity of AD patients.


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