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作者:周成超1  何江江1  徐凌忠1  孙辉2  郑文贵1  王兴洲1  张希玉2  刘冬梅1 
单位:1. 山东大学公共卫生学院  山东 济南 250012 
 威海市疾病预防控制中心  山东 威海 264200 
关键词:心理健康 老年人 Kessler 10(K10) 


Objective:To investigate the mental health status and its affecting factors of the residents aged 60 and above of Weihai city.Methods:The sample was randomly chosen by cluster-based sampling method and was interviewed by both self-made questionnaire and Kessler 10 rating scale.Results:3042 individuals were interviewed,the score distribution in total is 14.47±6.55 and about 13.7% of them were likely to have a mild or medium or high mental disorder.The factors affecting mental health status were various,not only including general factors such as age,but also other factors such as physical condition.Conclusion:The factors affecting mental health are multiple.


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