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作者:姚艳虹  李源 
单位:湖南大学工商管理学院 湖南长沙 410082 
关键词:工作压力 偏离行为 探索性因素分析 验证性因素分析 


Objective:To explore the structure of Chinese enterprise employee's deviance behavior under work stress,and develop a questionnaire of employee's deviance behavior.Methods:Convenient sampling method was used to select650 staff of different levels in more than 20 companies from Hunan and Guangdong provinces.After exploratory factoranalysis and confirmatory factor analysis,the final questionnaire was formed.Results:Exploratory factor analysis resultsshowed that the employee's deviance behavior under work stress included eight dimensions of escape working,slackness,exaggerating,indifference,insult,conflict,confrontation,sabotage.The questionnaire contained 26 items and it had goodreliability.Confirmatory factor analysis results indicated that the eight dimensional model structure had good convergentvalidity and divisional validity,and its goodness-of-fit was much better than other models.Conclusion:The reliabilityand validity of the questionnaire about employee's deviance behavior under work stress are both reaching the psychometricrequirement,which can be used in related research and practice fields.


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