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作者:张林  邓海英 
单位:宁波大学教师教育学院心理学系  浙江宁波 315211 
关键词:艾滋病污名 外显与内隐态度 人际接纳 


Objective:This paper probed into investigating the explicit and implicit effects of AIDS stigma and its relationship with AIDS interpersonal acceptance.Results:①The explicit and implicit attitude of the subjects toward AIDS were not highly correlated with each other;②The explicit attitude of the subjects toward AIDS was significantly correlated with their interpersonal acceptance toward the patients with AIDS;③The implicit attitude of male toward AIDS and cancer was significant.Conclusion:The explicit and implicit effects of the AIDS stigma are relatively isolated.The explicit attitudes of the AIDS stigma can predict interpersonal acceptance.The lethal characteristics of AIDS are important effect factors for AIDS stigma.


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