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作者:彭立辉  郭立新  李江  卢明 
单位:中国人民解放军第163 医院神经外科  湖南长沙 410003 
关键词:额叶肿瘤 执行功能 威斯康辛卡片分类测验 


Objective:To study whether the executive function is impaired in patients with frontal lobe tumor,and to compare the differences of the impairments between the patients with left frontal lobe tumor and those with right frontal lobe tumor.Methods:Three groups include 27 patients with left frontal lobe tumor,27 patients with right frontal lobe tumor,and 30 normal adults were measured by Wisconsin Card Sort ing Test(WCST),Trail Making Test(TMT).Results:①There are significant defferences between the left frontal lobe group(LF) and the right frontal lobe group(RF) and normal controls(NC) in the indicators of WCST,including categories achieved(CA),the number of trials to complete the first category(R1st),perserative responses(PR),percent of perserative errors(PE%),and the percent of the conceptual level responses(CLR%).②The time of TMT-A,The time of TMT-B,and errors of TMT-B are signicant between LF and RF and NC.Conclusion:The executive function is impaired by frontal lobe tumors,and the executive function in patients with left frontal lobe tumors is more impaired compared to that of those with right frontal lobe tumors.


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