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作者:谭恩达  邹颖敏  何家俊  黄敏儿 
单位:中山大学心理学系  广东广州510275 
关键词:共情 情绪调节 主观幸福感 


Objective:investigates the relationship between empathy,emotion regulation and subjective well-being(SWB).Methods:147 students from Sun Yat-Sen University were administered with inventories including InterpersonalReactivity Index (IRI),Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and Well-being Scale.Results:There’s a positive associationbetween global empathy and SWB.Of the four components of empathy,EC and PD could be valid predictors of SWB,withEC as a relatively better predictor in the positive direction and PD in the negative direction.Correlation analysis indicatedthat,EC was positively related with up-regulation for positive and negative emotions,and negatively related with downregulationfor positive emotion.A positive association between PD and up-regulation for negative emotion was also found,as well as a negative association between PD and down-regulation.Up-regulation for positive emotion was positively associatedwith SWB and down-regulation for positive emotion was negatively associated with SWB.Up-regulation for positiveemotion acted as a mediator between EC and SWB.Conclusion:Empathy as a whole enhances SWB through intensifyingpositive emotions.


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