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作者:张严1  蔺秀云2  福燕3 
单位:1. 北京大学医学部公共教学部医学心理学教研室  北京100191 
 北京师范大学发展心理研究所  北京100875 
关键词:男同性恋HIV阳性者 HIV阳性状态 性取向 暴露 质性研究 


Objective:explore the status and causes of HIV positive gay men’s disclosure of their HIV-positive statusand sexual orientation to their parents,intimate partners and close friends.Methods:Individual in-depth interviewswith semi-structure interview guide were conducted in 37 HIV-positive gay men (aged 23-42 years) who received treatmentin Beijing You’an Hospital(from March,2009 to March,2010).Qualitative methods were used in analyzing interviewrecordings and notes.Results:There were 31 participants who disclosed their HIV-positive status and sexual orientationto others.The reasons for disclosure were due to “responsibility ”,“ensuring the security of their partners”,“concurrentneed for support” and “relieving the pressure of getting married”;on the other hand,reasons of not telling were because of“threat of stigma”,“feelings of shame”,“pressures on family members”.Conclusion:When providing psychological assistanceto HIV-positive gay men,medical doctors and psychologists should take their special identifies in context of theChinese culture and traditions into consideration.


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