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作者:高志强1  张腾霄2 
单位:1. 安徽大学应用心理研究所  安徽合肥230601 
 中国科学院心理研究所  北京100101 
关键词:成功恐惧 问卷编制 婚姻状况 性别 


Objective:develop a Fear of Success Questionnaire(FOSQ) for people at work,and to test the characteristicsof fear of success(FOS).Methods:A total of 671 participants who were at work were randomly selected at two stagesof investigation to complete the FOSQ.Results:Exploratory factor analysis of the responses of 253 participants suggestedthat there were 5 factors,and this structure was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis of the remaining 218 participants’response.The 5 factors were quality of life,family happiness,physical and mental health,interpersonal relationshipsand spouse choice.The follow up test showed these factors had suitable reliability,their Cronbach’s α were 0.83,0.76,0.71,0.67 and 0.68.The split-half reliability coefficient was 0.78.The characteristics of FOS were explored by ANVOAand t test,and significant effects of gender and status of marriage were found.Conclusion:The FOSQ developed inthe present study demonstrates good reliability and validity.People married and procreated,or married but un-procreated,have more FOS in total score,family happiness,and interpersonal relationships than unmarried people.Females have moreFOS in total score,quality of life,family happiness,physical and mental health than males.


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