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作者:孙延超  李秀艳  高卫星  许桂春  杨海英  刘晓芹 
单位:潍坊医学院  山东潍坊261042 
关键词:视觉空间注意 范围提示 ERP早成分 儿童 


Objective:study the characteristic of children’s Event-Related Potentials(ERP) by visual spatial attentionto different spatial scaling cues.Methods:The “cue-target” experimental paradigm was adopted,and the attendedrange was cued by different circles.The subjects included fourteen health children.Results:The reaction time becameshorter with the decrease of the cue scale,while P1 and N1 components amplitudes increased,P2 components amplitudesdecreased.Conclusion:In the early stages of processing of spatial attention,children rely on the effectiveness of promptmobilization of the brain resources;and the later stages of the brain requires additional resources.


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