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作者:张艳红1 2  佐斌1 
单位:1. 华中师范大学心理学院·人的发展与心理健康湖北省重点实验室  湖北武汉430079 
 长江大学教育科学系  湖北荆州434023 
关键词:情绪性别刻板印象 归因 对应偏见 


Objective:Two experiments were conducted to investigate Chinese attributional explanations for genderstereotypes of emotions.Methods:Pictures of facial expressions morphed by Magic Morph software to create compositesthat reflected signal strength of 44% and 88% and situational sentences got by investigation were used as experimentalmaterials.First,male versus female faces paired with situational sentences were presented on the screen.Secondly,subjectswere asked to make attributional judgement for 88% strength of target emotions.Later,subjects were asked to recognizethe faces and recall the sentences.Results:Both male and female perceivers made more dispositional attributions forfemale target faces depicting emotional expressions compared with male ones.Conclusion:It demonstrated that perceiversare more likely to show a stronger correspondence bias when judging the cause of emotional behaviors in women whencompared with men,whereas men’s emotional behavior is caused by situation.


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