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作者:陈正根1 2  张雨青1  刘寅1 2  张宁1 2  吴坎坎1 
单位:1. 中国科学院心理研究所  北京100101 
 中国科学院研究生院  北京100049 
关键词:创伤后应激障碍(PTSD) 民族 反应模式 质性研究 地震 


Objective:identify and explain the disaster response differences between the Qiang and Han ethnicgroups.Methods:With purposeful sampling,a sample of 46 victims(23 from the Qiang ethnic group and 23 from the Hanethnic group) of Beichuan Country were interviewed with four questions,including the stressor,the response way,the attributionaland coping style.Results:Ethnic groups differed in the posttraumatic stress response mode.The Qiang ethnicgroup tended to response in a direct and explicit way;while the Han ethnic group preferred to hide the emotion and behavior.They also differed in the style of attribution and coping.Conclusion:Ethnic groups differ in the posttraumaticstress response model.Additional analysis attempts to explain the difference in terms of cultural difference and conversationof resource theory.Lastly,culturally sensitive interventions should be paid more attention.


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