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作者:方双虎  郑凯 
单位:安徽师范大学心理咨询研究所  安徽芜湖 241000 
关键词:大学生 强迫症状 团体心理咨询 


Objective: To explore the accessibility and the effect of group counseling for improving college students' obsessive-compulsive symptoms.Methods: Chose 16 obsessive-compulsive symptoms students from Anhui Normal University as the experimental group,and another16 students as the control group.Group counseling was given to the experimental group once a week for 8 weeks;the control group did not do any training.All the subjects were tested with SCL-90,PI and PSCCS when the group counseling was started,finished,and had a period of three months after it was finished.Results: The experimental group and the control group had no difference in the total score of SCL-90 and the scores of obsessional factor in SCL-90,PI and PSCCS before group counseling.In the post-test and tracing-test,the total score of SCL-90 and the scores of obsessional factor in SCL-90,PI and PSCCS of experimental group were significantly lower than that before group counseling;whereas they had no significant difference in score from the control group.Conclusion: As a form of intervention,group counseling has great positive effect on improving the students' obsessive-compulsive symptoms.


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