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作者:徐洁  张日昇 
单位:1. 北京化工大学文法学院  北京100029 
 北京师范大学发展心理研究所  北京100875 
关键词:箱庭疗法 丧亲儿童 哀伤咨询 


In order to integrate the practice and research of counseling and psychotherapy,research topic why sandplaytherapy could heal the bereaved children was explored from sandplay therapy practice for a bereaved children.A casestudy of sandplay therapy for a child with complicated grief was done to prove the possibility and feasibility of sandplaytherapy applied to counseling for bereaved children.Theory of sandplay therapy and grief counseling for children was summarized to explain the effective mechanism of sandplay therapy applied to counseling for bereaved children:①Non-verbalsetting could provide the safe space for expressing bereavement;②Sandtrays could be the transitional object;③Sandplayprocess could trigger bereavement;④Sandplay could promote self-growth;⑤The idea between sandplay therapy with griefcounseling was correspondent;⑥Family sandplay helped family members complete their grief tasks.


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