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作者:梁三才  游旭群 
单位:陕西师范大学心理学院  陕西西安 710062 
关键词:网络成瘾 情感决策 罗杰斯决策任务 爱荷华赌博任务 概率反转学习任务 


Objective: To expore the characteristics of affective decision-making in internet addicts.Methods: Twenty two college students with internet addiction and 22 without internet addiction were tested by RDMT,IGT,and PRT.Results: As compared to the control group,the internet addicts had normal ability of decision-making under risk,but they displayed a decreased ability of decision-making under ambiguity,they lacked change of choice behavior according to fluctuations in stimulus-reward contingencies.They also showed weakness in learnig of reward and punishment associations in decision-making.In addition,internet addicton group had shorter deliberation time than the control group.They also displayed hypersensitivity to immediate reward and tolerance to punnishment.Conclusion: Internet addicts showed low level of affective decision-making.


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