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作者:陈德枝1 2  戴海琦2  周骏2 
单位:1. 浙江师范大学杭州校区  浙江杭州310012 
 江西师范大学心理学院  江西南昌330014 
关键词:标准图形推理测验 同结构 CFA 儿童 

目的:同结构测验的编制与验证方法的研究不仅可促进动态评估的推广和应用,同时也将为其它测验的编制提供参考。方法:基于标准图形推理测验项目的认知模型研究结果,编制了三套同结构标准图形推理测验。每套测验均包含21个项目,四种项目结构。从江西省北部抽取230名儿童参加这三套测验的测试。然后把项目结构类型作为潜因子,把项目作为观察变量,采用验证性因素分析方法(CFA)对这三套测验进行了结构验证。结果: 这三套测验在结构上是相同的。结论:项目认知模型不仅是编制同结构测验的认知心理学基础,也是提供基于项目认知加工过程编制测验的新思想和新方法。

Objective:Structurally-equivalent Testing has great importance not only for Dynamic Testing developmentand application,but also for the compiling of other tests.Methods:Three sets of standard tests which were used for thedynamic assessment of the figure reasoning ability of the elementary students were compiled based on the results of thecognitive model of the figure reasoning item.There were 21 items including four kinds of item structures in every set oftest.Confirming Factor Analysis(CFA) was used to analyse the three sets of tests.Results:The three sets of tests areStructurally-equivalent.Conclusion:Cognitive model of item is not only the psychological base of compiling structurallyequivalenttests,but also the new idea and method of compiling tests based on the cognitive process of the item.


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