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作者:李璇1  侯志瑾1  黄敏儿2 
单位:1. 北京师范大学心理学院  北京100875 
 中山大学心理学系  广东广州510275 
关键词:社交焦虑 元情绪评价 情绪调节方式 


Objective:explore the meta-evaluation of mood and emotion regulation of undergraduates with socialanxiety,and to probe whether meta -evaluation guidance could decrease social anxiety.Methods:Undergraduates withhigh or low social anxiety were chosen to participate the research the participants were asked to prepare for a speech inthe experiment,meanwhile,high social anxiety experiment group accepted meta-evaluation guidance.After that,the participantswere asked to report their emotion,meta -evaluation of mood and emotion regulation.Results:In the speechpreparing situation,high social anxiety participants were less clear about their emotion and adopted more rumination regulationthan low social anxiety participants;meta-evaluation guidance could help the high social anxiety participants to decreaserumination regulation.Conclusion:High and low social anxiety undergraduates were different in meta-evaluation ofmood and emotion regulation,and meta-evaluation guidance could help high social anxiety students to improve their emotionalregulation.


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