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作者:易刚  肖军  唐娟娟 
单位:四川省医学科学院  四川省人民医院神经内科  四川成都610072 
关键词:社区老年人 轻度认知功能障碍 蒙特利尔认知评估量表 


Objective:analyse the screening effect of MoCA for MCI,and discuss the best cutoff value,to assist inearly detection of MCI patients in old people.Methods:MCI was screened in community elderly in Chengdu by MMSEand MoCA.Results:The total number of subjects was 674,the number of MCI was 106.The Cronbach’s index was 0.852;the correlation coefficient between the MoCA and MMSE was 0.9392;the sensitivity and specificity of MoCA was 98.11%and 26.72%,and Youden’s index was 0.2483.Conclusion:The MoCA is a feasible screening tool for MCI;22 points isrecommended instead of 26 as the boundary value in community elderly in Chengdu.


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