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作者:李振华  肖亚洲  谢知  陈立章  肖水源 
单位:中南大学公共卫生学院社会医学与卫生事业管理系  湖南长沙410078 
关键词:病人健康问卷抑郁量表 抑郁 农村社区 老年人 

目的:探讨病人健康问卷抑郁量表(PHQ-9)在农村社区老年人中应用的效果及价值。方法:应用PHQ-9及自行编制一般人口学资料调查表对衡阳县896名≥60岁的农村社区老年人进行问卷调查。结果:量表的内部一致性Cronbach’s Alpha系数为0.838;在完成调查的896人中,PHQ-9的平均得分为8.25(男性:7.24,女性:9.13),符合重性抑郁障碍判断标准的有134名(15.0%);女性的抑郁严重程度高于男性(OR=1.46);相对于收入水平较高者,收入水平中等和收入水平较低者的抑郁严重程度较高,OR值分别为2.42、10.01;婚姻状况为独身者的抑郁严重程度高于已婚完整者(OR=1.61)。结论:PHQ-9在我国农村社区老年人群中应用显示出良好的稳定性和可操作性。

Objective:explore the effect and value of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9(PHQ-9) on the Chineserural community-dwelling elderly.Methods:PHQ-9 and self-designed demographic characteristics inventory were administratedto 896 rural community residents aged 60 years or more.Results:The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of PHQ-9was 0.838.The average score of PHQ-9 was 8.25(male:7.24,female:9.13).The results showed that 15.0% of the samplemet the criteria of major depressive disorder(MDD).Depression severity of female(OR=1.46),was high than of male;marriageinstability(OR=1.61) were the risk facts of depression severity.Compared with those having high-income,those havingmiddle-income(OR=2.42) and low-income(OR=10.01) had more serious depression.Conclusion:PHQ-9 shows goodstability and feasibility and can be used in rural elderly in the Chinese socio-cultural context.

SPI(Suicide Prevention International)资助课题(AC202)

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