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作者:朱雪玲1 2  王湘1  肖晶1  廖坚3  姚树桥1 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅二医院医学心理学研究所  湖南长沙410011 
 国防科学技术大学人文与社会科学学院  湖南  长沙410074 
关键词:抑郁症 默认网络 磁共振成像 冗思 


Objective:The aim of the present study was to explore resting-state DMN in first-episode,treatment-naiveyoung adults with major depressive disorder(MDD) and in healthy controls.Methods:The resting-state fMRI data from 25(10 male and 15 female) first-episode,treatment-nave young adults with MDD and 25 age-,gender- and educationmatchedhealthy controls were analysed by independent component analysis(ICA).Results:A dissociation patterns waspresented of anterior and posterior functional connectivity within resting -state default -mode network in first -episode,treatment-naive young adults with major depression.Compared with healthy controls,increased functional connectivity inanterior medial cortex(especially the medial prefrontal cortex(MPFC) and anterior cingulate cortex(ACC)) and decreasedfunctional connectivity in posterior medial cortex(especially the posterior cingulate cortex/precuneus(PCC/precuneus)) andangular gyrus were observed in MD.Conclusion:Such results provide new evidence that DMN is widely affected in MDDand suggest that the abnormal activity of the DMN may be a trait for MDD patients.


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