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作者:李彩娜  班兰美  李红梅 
单位:陕西师范大学心理学院  陕西西安 710062 
关键词:孤独感 依恋自我-他人模型 自尊 大学生 


Objective:To explore the characters of college students' loneliness and its relations to attachment and self-esteem.Methods:500 college students' from Xi'an were assessed by UCLA,RSES and The Attachment Scale.Results:①There were significant gender differences in loneliness of college students,and male experienced higher loneliness than female;②Working model of self and others of attachment significantly correlated with loneliness and self-esteem,and Working model of self correlated more close to loneliness and self-esteem than Working model of others;③Attachment and self-esteem could significantly predict loneliness of college students,and self-esteem moderated Working model of self and loneliness.Conclusion:There are significant correlations among loneliness,Working Model of attachment,and self-esteem can significantly predict loneliness of college students.


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