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作者:李松蔚  余红玉  钱铭怡  高隽  王雨吟  邓晶 
单位:北京大学心理学系  北京100871 
关键词:地震 抑郁 PTSD 初中生 


Objective:compare level of depression and PTSD severity and their impact factors of Wenchuan earthquakevictims from two groups of middle school students,one was exposed to severe earthquake trauma in Pengzhou,theother was exposed to mild earthquake trauma in Chongqing.Methods:Three hundred and fifty-one students from twodifferent middle schools were evaluated by Adolescent Self-Rating Life Events Check list(ASLEC),The Self-Esteem Scale(SES),Children’s Depression Inventory(CDI) and a revised version of the Impact of Event Scale in Children(CIES-R).Results:Students exposed to severe earthquake trauma were higher than those who were exposed to mild earthquake traumain PTSD severity,but lower in depression level.According to the regression,self-esteem and the study factor of ASLECcould predict symptom severity,but their predictive functions were on the contrary.Conclusion:Exposed to differentearthquake traumas might result in different depression level and PTSD severity.


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