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作者:刘斌  郭苏皖  傅强  马辉  金珠玛  陈图农 
单位:南京医科大学附属脑科医院  江苏南京210029 
关键词:抑郁症 外显记忆 内隐记忆 健康效价词 心境一致性记忆 


Objective:explore the Mood Congruency Memory in depressed patients with somatization symptoms andto compare them with depressed patients with mood symptoms.Methods:Subjects included 30 depressed patients withsomatization symptoms,30 depressed patients with mood symptoms and 30 normal persons.Test material consisted of 96valence words.Procedures were learning phase,interference experiment,and recognition test.Results:①Somatizationsymptoms group showed significant effect on healthy valence words and other valence words in explicit memory,normalgroup showed significant effect on positive valence words and other valence words in explicit memory.②Somatizationsymptoms had more higher average extraction results in healthy valence words in implicit memory,mood symptoms grouphad more higher average extraction results group in negative valence words in implicit memory.③Compared with somatizationsymptoms group and mood symptoms group the normal group showed significant effect on total extraction results inexplicit memory and on difference in implicit memory.Conclusion:①Somatization symptoms group have a memory biason healthy valence words in explicit memory and also may have a memory bias in implicit memory;②Disabilities of explicitmemory were possibly found in depressed patients.


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