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作者:于靓1 2  陈睿1 2  张小聪1 2  周仁来1 2 3 4 
单位:1. 儿童发展和学习科学教育部重点实验室[东南大学]  江苏南京210096 
 东南大学学习科学研究中心  江苏南京210096 
关键词:焦虑 考试焦虑 图片库 


Objective:develop the test anxiety pictures system for further research on test anxiety.Methods:210pictures were screened out to make up the system.62 college students were collected to rate the relevance by self-reportin a 3 point rating scale,and valence,arousal and dominance in a 9 point rating scale.Results:The Cronbach alpha coefficientand the split-half reliability were all above 0.90 for the relevance,valence,arousal and dominance.The examination-related picture’s arousal was higher than the non-related pictures,but the valence and dominance were lower.Pictureswere divided into 6 kinds by grouping analysis.There were significant differences between kinds of pictures on thefour dimensions (P<0.001).Sex had no main effect,and the interaction was not significant.There were significant differencesbetween anxiety groups only on dominance with the test-relevant pictures.Conclusion:The test anxiety picturesystem has good reliability and validity,and can be used to make further research on test anxiety.


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