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作者:林岳卿  方积乾 
单位:中山大学公共卫生学院医学统计与流行病学系  广东广州510080 
关键词:条目反应理论 WHOQOL-OLD 简表 老年人 生存质量 


Objective:develop a short form of questionnaire WHOQOL-OLD,and evaluate its reliability and validity.Methods:From a sample of 5566 old adults provided by the research team of WHOQOL-OLD,2/3 of them were randomlyselected and used as a training sample,and the remaining 1/3 as a validation sample.The methods of classical testtheory and item response theory were used to select the better items in the training sample.And the validation sample wasused to evaluate the reliability and validity of the short form scale.Results:2 better items remained within each domain ofthe original WHOQOL-OLD scale,a short form WHOQOL-OLD-12 was formed.The average amount of t of the six domainsof short form scale was reduced from 22.1% to 32.9% only;the Cronbach’α of the short form was 0.8;and the correlationcoefficients between the domains of WHOQOL-OLD-12 and WHOQOL-BREF ranged from 0.21 to 0.76,most ofthem were greater than 0.4,which showed better criterion validity.Conclusion:With acceptable reliability and validity,WHOQOL-OLD-12 is a refined instrument for the quality of life of older adults.


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