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作者:张登浩1  王登峰2 
单位:1. 中国人民大学心理学系  北京 100872 
 北京大学心理学系  北京 100871 
关键词:人格 熟悉性 关系质量 中国人人格量表(QZPS) 


Objective:To explore self-other agreement on personality and moderation effects of relationship quality.Methods:114 pairs of previously unacquainted freshmen roommates accomplished the Chinese Personality Scale(QZPS) at the second week and the 15th week subsequent to the initial introduction.Results:Although all self-other agreement coefficients were different for all personality trait scores in QZPS between the 2nd week and the 15th week,some coefficients increased from the 2nd week to the 15th week,others didn’t increased but decreased from the 2nd week to the 15th week,and all the increase was not statistically significant.At the second week,main effects and moderator effects of relationship quality was not significant for all personality traits.At the fifteenth week,main effects of relationship quality were significant for kindness and human relations,and moderator effects of relationship quality were significant for extraversion and ways of life.Conclusion:There is no acquaintanceship effect demonstrated by many western literatures in Chinese culture,but moderator effects of relationship quality are significant in some traits.


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