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作者:程素萍1  李敏1  张睆2 
单位:1. 杭州师范大学教育科学学院  浙江 杭州 310036 
 北京师范大学发展心理研究所  北京 100875 
关键词:元认知 正性情绪 负性情绪 拖延行为 中介效应 


Objective: To explore the relationship among procrastination behavior, meta -cognitive and emotion of university students. Methods: A total of 468 undergraduates from 4 universities were surveyed by GPS, PANAS and MCQ-30. Results: ①The undergraduates from liberal arts colleges reported more procrastination behavior than those from science colleges. ② Cognitive confidence, positive beliefs, uncontrollability/danger, tendency to control thoughts, and negative emotion positively correlated to procrastination behavior; cognitive self -consciousness and positively emotion negatively correlated to procrastination behavior. ③ Cognitive confidence, uncontrollability/danger and negative emotion could positively predict procrastination behavior. ④Negative emotion mediated the relationship between uncontrollability/ danger and procrastination behavior. Conclusion: Uncontrollability and danger are a significant predicator of procrastination behavior, and negative emotion has a significant mediation effect on the relationship between uncontrollability/danger and procrastination behavior.


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