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作者:郑会蓉1  李凌江2  刘鹏3  刘建滨3  张丽2  张燕2  于瑞丽1 
单位:1. 广东省医学科学院 广东省人民医院 广东省精神卫生中心 广东广州 510080 
 中南大学湘雅二医院精神卫生研究所 湖南长沙 410011 
 湖南省人民医院放射科 湖南长沙 410011 
关键词:难治性抑郁症 磁共振波谱 重复经颅磁刺激 前额叶 


Objective: In this study neurochemical changes within prefrontal cortex(PFC) of severely depressed patients before and after repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation(rTMS) were evaluated by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy(1H-MRS).Methods: Thirty-four young depressed patients with treatment resistant unipolar depression were enrolled in a double-blind,randomized study[active(n=19) vs.sham(n=15)],and the PFC was investigated before and after high-frequency(15Hz) rTMS using 3-tesla proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy.The N-acetylaspartate(NAA),glutamine+glutamate(Glx),choline(Cho),myo-Inositol(mI) and creatine(Cr) were measured and their ratios of metabolite to Cr levels were determined in bilateral frontal lobe.The result of metabolites were compared with 28 age-and gender-matched healthy controls.Results: ①In depressive patients a significant reduction in mI/Cr was observed pre-rTMS(P<0.001).After successful treatment,mI/Cr increased significantly in left PFC and the levels no longer differed from those of age-matched controls.②A positive correlation between clinical improvement and an increment in m-Ino ratio was observed(r=0.86,P=0.000).Conclusion: There might exist abnormal metabolism of glual cells in prefrontal cortex of young patients with treatment-resistant depression,which can be partly reversed by successful rTMS.


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