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作者:肖二平1  张积家2  陈穗清2 
单位:1. 杭州师范大学心理学系 浙江杭州 310036 
 华南师范大学心理应用研究中心 广东广州 510631 
关键词:口吃 语音编码 时间压力 语音复杂性 


Objective: The present study intended to explore whether time pressure and phonological complexity would influence the phonological encoding of stutterers.Methods: Both persons who stutter(PWS) and persons who do not stutter(PNS) were investigated in overt speech task.Results: ①Both PWS and PNS read faster with time pressure than without time pressure,read twisters slower than non-twisters,and read Shengmu twisters slower than Yunmu twisters.②The stuttering frequency with time pressure was higher than that without time pressure,the stuttering frequency of reading twisters was higher than that of reading non-twisters,and the stuttering frequency of reading Shengmu twisters was higher than that of reading Yunmu twisters.③The ratio of stuttering at the beginning of sentence of reading Shengmu twisters was higher than that of reading Yunmu twisters.Conclusion: Time pressure and phonological complexity influenced both PWS and PNS in the language production system.


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