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作者:王一赫1  江虹1  冀永娟2  李颖3  樊淑娟1  潘芳1  刘德祥1 
单位:1. 山东大学医学院 山东济南 250012 
 青岛妇幼医院 山东青岛 266011 
 中国人民公安大学 北京 100038 
关键词:应激 衰老 前额叶 纹状体 脑源性神经营养因子 


Objective: To study the chronic stress effects on the behavior and BDNF expression in PFC and caudate putamen in different aged rats.Methods: Chronic unpredictable mild stress(CUMS) was used to build 2 month and 15 month old Wistar rats depressive animal model,and to observe the behavior in open field test,sucrose preference,morphologic changes and BDNF expression in PFC and caudate putamen.Results: Compared with the control groups,the young stress groups displayed less square crossing and vertical movement,and the aged stress animals had more remarkable changes in those behavior.The young stress rats showed obviously decreased tendency in sucrose preference compared with the control groups.Meanwhile,the aged stress group exhibited obvious decreases of sucrose preference after stress,and persisted 1 week after stress than the young stress group.The young stress groups displayed obviously morphologic damage in PFC and caudate putamen,the aged stress group showed more cell atrophy and cellular necrosis compared with the young stress group.The young stress rats had significant lower BDNF expression in PFC and caudate putamen than the control groups;the aged stress rats showed even lower BDNF expression than the young stress rats at every testing time.Conclusion: CUMS induces aged rats to more serious abnormal behavior than young animals,indicating aging is one of the important influence factors in stress.The aged rats have more serious cell atrophy and cellular necrosis than the young rats under CUMS.Stress induces significant reduction of BDNF expression in PFC and caudate putamen.The aged stress rats have much lower BDNF expression than the young rats.


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