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作者:刘西芹1  张理义2 
单位:1. 徐州医学院研究生学院 江苏徐州 221004 
 解放军第102医院全军心理疾病防治中心 江苏常州 213003 
关键词:睡眠问题 军人 因素分析 信效度检验 


Objective: To develop a Chinese military personnel sleep disorders Scale(CMPSDS) and test its reliability and validity.Methods: We primarily designed a scale by literature review and pretest,and revised it by factor-analysis,then tested its reliability and validity by factor-analysis,correlation-analysis,and so on.Results: ①The coefficient of internal consistency was 0.799,test-retest reliability was 0.825,and split-half reliability was 0.896.②We extracted five factors,function,insomnia,lethargy,motile abnormal sleep,immotile abnormal sleep,by exploratory factor analysis,which could explain 50.321% of total variation;The result of confirmatory factor analysis showed that χ2/df、RMSEA、RMR、GFI、AGFI、NFI、CFI were 2.526,0.051,0.022,0.916,0.897,0.842,0.897 respectively.③The correlative coefficents between subtests and CMPSDS ranged from 0.399 to 0.826.The correlative coefficents among subtests ranged from 0.034 to 0.502.④The CMPSDS was moderately or highly correlated with Pittsburgh sleep quality index(PSQI) and its subtests.Conclusion: Reliability and validity of CMPSDS meet the fundamental principle of psychometrics,and it could be used for screening of sleep disorder in military personnel.


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