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作者:许丹1  李强2 
单位:1. 浙江工业大学心理学系  浙江 杭州 310014 
 南开大学社会心理学系  天津 300071 
关键词:心理治疗师 心理咨询师 职业动机 个人经历 


This paper reviews the researches relevant to psychotherapists'/counseling psychologists'career motivation.And it aims to analyze and induce the reason why psychotherapists and counseling psychologists choose this career, and learn more about spirit rewards in their professional activities. The career motivations of individuals to be psychotherapists/counseling psychologists include the following seven categories: ①Helping others; ②Self healing; ③Taking care of others;④Seeking intimacy; ⑤Gaining control; ⑥Narcissism; and ⑦Other motivations. There are close relationships between these motivations and one' s personal experience, like trauma, parentification, lost and loneliness, mentor and personal therapy.


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