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作者:张宁1 2  张雨青1  吴坎坎1 2  陈正根1 2  刘寅1 2  祝卓宏1 
单位:1. 中国科学院心理研究所  北京 100101 
 中国科学院研究生院  北京 100049 
关键词:创伤性应激障碍(PTSD) 事件冲击量表(IES-R) D型人格(DS-14) 汶川地震 


Objective:To evaluate the psychological consequences of Wenchuan Earthquake on the survivors and to provide valuable diagnostic information for psychological assistance and therapy. Methods:The survivors in the earthquake was evaluated by Trauma Exposure Scale, Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) and Type D Personality Scale (DS-14). Results:Shortly after the earthquake, there was a high prevalence of PTSD symptoms among the survivors. The participants who had trauma experience prior to the earthquake showed more severe PTSD symptoms and those who had high trauma exposure experience during the earthquake were more likely to display PTSD symptoms; women, middle aged, married and those with type D personality survivors were more likely to display PTSD symptoms. Regression analysis revealed that gender, age, martial status, trauma exposure level and type D personality were strong predictors of PTSD symptoms among survivors. Conclusion:A substantially high proportion of the Wenchuan earthquake survivors explicated PTSD symptoms, high trauma exposure level, female, middle age, marriage and negative emotions are the key predictors of PTSD symptoms.


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