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作者:卢佳1 2  周丽清2  俞佳1 
单位:1. 温州大学教师教育学院  浙江 温州 300325 
 杭州师范大学教科院  浙江 杭州 310000 
关键词:数学学习障碍 阅读障碍 算术应用题 眼动 小学生 


Objective:To explore the way that how children with mathematics disabilities solve arithmatic word problem. Methods:An eye movement test was administered to 32 students from fifth and sixth grade. The subjects were divided into three group: MD group, MDRD group and control group. The degree of difficulty in the test had two level: easy and normal. Results:①There were significant differences between easy level and normal level in both the performance of solving arithmetic word problems and eye movement indicator. ②The MD group's performance was near to the normal group and better than the MDRD group signigicantly in observation length, pupil diameter, fixation duration and fixation duration in AOI. Conclusion:MD children is the lack of mathematical ability, the MDRD children is the lack of reading ability.


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