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作者:胡寒春1 2  邓云龙1  范华1  聂华林1 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅三医院  湖南 长沙 410013 
 华南理工大学心理咨询中心  广东 广州 510641 
关键词:衰老 探索性因素分析 验证性因素分析 


Objective:To develop an aging self -rating questionnaire for the middle -aged and elderly in cities. Methods:Based on literature analysis, the preliminary questionnaire of aging self-rating scale for the middle-aged and elderly was made. A total of 383 community-dwelling middle-aged and elderly people in Hunan provice completed the aging self-rating questionnaire in order. Results:The results of the exploring factor analysis showed the aging self-rating scale had 24 items, including seven main factors, i.e., physical change, emotional change, memory change, self -rate change, dwell on past experience, thinking flexibility change, expectation and attitude change for the future, which could cumulatively explain 64.730% of the total variance; these seven factors could be further generalized into three higher order factors:physical change, affective and cognitive change, self-consciousness and value change, which was proved to be a valid model by confirmative factor analysis; the Cronbach’ α reliability coefficients of the total scale was 0.886, the Cronbach’ α reliability coefficients of the seven factors were 0.0731-0.825, and the three higher-order factors were 0.673- 0.716. Conclusion:The questionnaire of aging self-rating developed in the present study demonstrates good reliability and validity.


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