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作者:魏曙光1  张月娟2 
单位:1. 河南师范大学教育科学学院  河南 新乡 453007 
 武警后勤学院军事心理学教研室  天津 300162 
关键词:天敌应激 动物模型 吗啡 行为敏感化 

目的:建立慢性天敌应激诱发吗啡行为敏感化动物模型。方法:16只大鼠随机分为慢性天敌应激组、对照组。记录最后一次应激结束24h后大鼠在行为检测箱中20 min的水平运动量,之后急性吗啡给药立即放入检测箱继续检测120 min内的水平运动量。结果:最后一次应激结束24h后应激组大鼠水平活动量低于对照组大鼠的水平活动量,但没有达到统计学显著水平。急性吗啡给药后应激组大鼠的水平运动量显著高于对照组。结论:慢性天敌应激可以增强吗啡诱发的运动反应,表明慢性天敌应激模型可以作为研究慢性应激诱发药物成瘾易感性的动物模型。

Objective: To establish an animal model of chronic predator stress-induced behavioral sensitization to morphine. Methods: 16 rats were randomly divided into 2 groups: chronic stressed and controlled group. Locomotor activity was assessed 24h after the last stress in an activity recording system for 20 minutes. After acute morphine administration, locomotor activity was recorded for 120 minutes. Results: Chronic predator stressed rats showed less locomotor activity responding compared with controlled rats 24h after the last stress, but the difference was not significant statistically.Chronic predator stressed rats showed enhanced locomotor activity compared with controlled rats after acute morphine administration. Conclusion: Chronic predator stress can enhance the locomotor response to morphine in rats, which suggests chronic predator stress model could be an important model for the research in the vulnerability of drug addiction.


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