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作者:李志勇1  吴明证2  陶伶1  何雪莲1 
单位:1. 淮南师范学院教育科学系  安徽淮南 232038 
 浙江大学心理与行为科学系  浙江杭州 310028 
关键词:自尊 无法忍受不确定性 职业决策困难 就业焦虑 


Objective: To study the relationships between self-esteem, intolerance of uncertainty, career decision-making difficulties and job anxieties. Methods: 376 undergraduates were investigated by Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale, Career Decision-making Difficulties Scale and Job Anxieties Scale. Results: Self-esteem was negatively related to intolerance of uncertainty, career decision-making difficulties and job anxieties; the correlation coefficients were -0.254, -0.393, and -0.280 (P<0.001). Intolerance of uncertainty was positively related to career decisionmaking difficulties(r=0.462, P<0.001)and job anxieties(r=0.552, P<0.001). Career decision-making difficulties was positively related to job anxieties (r=0.496, P<0.001). Hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that the predictive effect of self-esteem on job anxieties dropped from -0.280 to -0.101 when career decision-making difficulties entered in the regression equations; The predictive effect of self-esteem on career decision-making difficulties dropped from -0.393 to -0.295, and the predictive effect of self-esteem on job anxieties dropped from -0.280 to -0.150, when intolerance of uncertainty entered in the regression equations. Conclusion: Intolerance of uncertainty partially mediated the effects of self-esteem on career decision-making difficulties and job anxieties.


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