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作者:黄文倩1  张蓉1  柳迎新1  朱婉儿1 2 
单位:1. 浙江大学医学院  浙江杭州 310058 
 浙江大学心理健康教育与咨询中心  浙江杭州 310058 
关键词:积极心理学 团体辅导 研究生 心理健康 


Objective: To investigate the effects of positive psychological group counseling on the mental health of graduates. Methods: Pre-post-follow-up measures of the Symptom Check-List-90-R, Chinese Perceived Stress Scales,and the Self-Acceptance Questionnaire were administered to assess 35 graduates. Results: After group counseling, the intervention group showed a more rapid decline of General Symptomatic Index, Interpersonal-Sensitivity, Anxiety, Psychoticism scores of SCL-90-R and CPSS scores. And it also showed a more rapid increase of scores of SAQ. The effects still existed after four weeks. Conclusion: Group counseling based on positive psychology can enhance the level of mental health and self-acceptance of graduates, and decrease the level of their perceived stress.


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