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作者:张勇1 2  邹韶红1 3  曹玉萍1  张亚林1 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅二医院精神卫生研究所   湖南长沙 410011 
 天津市安定医院  天津 300222 
 新疆自治区人民医院临床心理科  新疆乌鲁木齐 830001 
关键词:家庭暴力 孕期 产后抑郁 


Objective: To explore the correlation of domestic violence and postnatal depression among pregnant women.Methods: In a cross-sectional survey, 846 pregnant women were screened with the Abuse Assessment Screen; 215 women completed the postnatal follow-up. All participants underwent the evaluation of postnatal depression with the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale. Results: ①The overall prevalence of domestic violence during pregnancy was 11.3%, and the most common form of domestic violence was psychologic abuse. ②The follow -up interviews showed 31.2% of the pregnant women was screened as postnatal depression, and showed a significantly higher prevalence of postnatal depression among women who had been abused during pregnancy (66.7%) than among those who had not (9.7%). ③Psychologic abuse during pregnancy, an unexpected pregnancy, an attitude of acceptance toward violence, and concern over the newborn's health were related with postnatal depression. Conclusion: Domestic violence during pregnancy and related factors contribute to postnatal depression in pregnant women.


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