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作者:周丽清1  卢静怡2  卢佳3 
单位:1. 杭州师范大学教科院  浙江杭州 310036 
 华中师范大学心理学院  湖北武汉 430079 
 温州大学教育学院  浙江温州 325035 
关键词:时距估计 锚定与调整 单位 复述 


Objective: To explore which elements would affect the process of anchoring and judgment during estimating duration. The influence of the three elements was discussed on individuals' duration estimation in these experiments, including the form of unit, different tasks before estimation and the ability of duration estimation. Methods: A sample of 58 voluntary college students performed a set of estimating duration tasks, including baseline, estimating physical duration,comparing figures, and repeating anchoring figure tasks. There were totally 32 questions about daily life and randomly 8 questions each condition. The computer recorded each participant's reaction. Results: The experimental results revealed that estimating figures by minute was smaller than that by hour in terms of uncertain duration of real-life events(P=0.034<0.05). Furthermore, the anchoring effect varied from four different experimental conditions (F(3,171)=6.408,P=0.000<0.01).The task of repeating anchoring figure or estimating physical duration significantly affected participants' duration estimation.The order of results from larger number to smaller number was: the group of comparing figures, of repeating anchoring figure, of controlling condition and of estimating physical duration. What's more, the ability of duration perception didn't have an influence upon the anchoring effect (t=0.770, P=0.445>0.05). Conclusion: Except for the ability of duration estimation,the form of unit and different tasks before estimation are the factors influencing individuals' duration estimation.


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