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作者:李强1  高文珺1  李凌1  秦萍2 
单位:1. 南开大学社会心理学系  天津 300071 
 天津理工大学应用社会学系  天津 300191 
关键词:专业心理健康服务 感知风险 验证性因素分析 

目的:探讨专业心理健康服务感知风险的结构。方法 :对天津地区555名在校大学生和全国13个省区的557名社区居民进行了问卷调查。结果:探索性和验证性因素分析证实,专业心理健康服务感知风险包括四个维度,分别为心理风险、服务质量风险、功能价值风险和社会风险,其中,人们对服务质量风险和功能价值风险的感知最强。自编感知风险问卷具有良好的信度和效度。结论:对于专业心理健康服务这一特殊的服务产品,人们感知风险的多维结构体现出服务自身的特点。专业心理健康服务现阶段的发展可着重于规范服务体系和宣传功能价值。

Objective: To examine the structure of perceived risk of professional mental health services. Methods: 555 undergraduates from Tianjin and 557 community residents from 13 different regions of China were recruited to complete a battery of questionnaires. Results: Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis revealed that there were four dimensions of perceived risk of receiving mental health services: psychological risk, service quality risk, functional value risk, and social risk. Service quality risk and functional value risk were consumers' top concerns. The self-compiled questionnaire had good reliability and validity. Conclusion: The multi-dimensional structure of perceived risk of professional mental health services indicates the characteristics of these special service products. One way to reduce perceived risk is to standardize the systems of mental health services and reinforce the education of knowledge about the effects and values of these services.


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