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作者:李志勇1  吴明证2  欧阳儒阳1 3  安德宝1 
单位:1. 淮南师范学院 教育科学系  淮南 232038 
 浙江大学心理与行为科学系 杭州 310028 
 淮南师范学院大学生心理健康教育服务中心  淮南 232038 
关键词:无法忍受不确定性 社交焦虑 自尊 担忧 


Objective: To explore the serial mediation effects of self-esteem and worrying between intolerance of uncertainty and social anxiety in college students. Methods: 498 college students were investigated with Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale, Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, Penn State Worry Questionnaire and Social Avoidance and Distress Scale. Results: ①Correlation analysis showed that, intolerance of uncertainty was negatively correlated with self-esteem(r=-0.208, P<0.001), and positively correlated with worrying(r=0.442, P<0.001) and social anxiety(r=0.232, P<0.001). Self-esteem was negatively correlated with worrying(r=-0.340, P<0.001) and social anxiety(r=-0.420, P<0.001). Worrying was positively correlated with to social anxiety(r=0.256, P<0.001). ②Structural equation modeling showed that, intolerance of uncertainty exerted direct effects on social anxiety(β=0.130, P<0.05), and also had indirect effect on social anxiety through self-esteem and worrying(β =0.199,P<0.05). Conclusion: Intolerance of uncertainty affects social anxiety directly and indirectly through serial mediating effect of self-esteem and worrying.


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