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作者:胡海萍1  吴志国2  吴荣琴1  张少觐3 
单位:1. 上海市闸北区精神卫生中心  上海 200436 
 上海市精神卫生中心  上海 200040 
 上海市闸北区卫生局  上海 200070 
关键词:抑郁 焦虑 产后抑郁 相关因素 


Objective: To investigate the prevalence of anxiety and depression and their related factors in the late pregnant women(LPW) before and after childbirth. Methods: 1238 LPW from Zhabei central hospital and tongji hospital were enrolled in this study. Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale(HAD), Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale(EPDS) and Postpartum Depression Screening Scale(PDSS) were used to evaluate anxiety and depressive symptoms, and the thyroxine TT4 and FT4 were measured during the late pregnancy, and after delivering 1 week, 4 weeks, 8 weeks and 12 weeks. Results: ①According to HAD, the prevalence of anxiety in different five time points was 5.2%、5.12%、4.95%、3.9% and 2.53%, and the prevalence of depression was 4.07%、10%、9.48%、6.23% and 1.85%. ②The prevalence of depression was significantly higher in women over 35 years old than those of women less 35 years old during late pregnancy, and after delivery 1week and 4 weeks. ③Compared with the women without depression and anxiety, those with depression and anxiety at the late pregnancy had higher prevalence of depression or anxiety and TT4 scores, and lower FT4 scores after laboring 1 week, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks. ④The major related risk factors for anxiety and depression during late pregnancy included husband and wife relationship, history of depression and parenting knowledge for delivery; while after delivery, the major risk factors for anxiety and depression included husband and wife relationship, child care knowledge for delivery situation, working and studying pressure, maternal fetal gender discrimination, the history of depression, anxiety or depressive mood with more than two weeks during the pregancy. Conclusion: The findings suggest that more clinical attention need to be paid to the anxiety and depression in the late-pregnant women. Specially, the different risk factors for the late-pregnant and lying-in women suggest different ways of prevention and intervention in the pregnant women before and after childbirth.


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