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作者:燕良轼1  颜志雄1  丁道群1  邹霞2  范伟1 
单位:1. 湖南师范大学教育科学学院心理系  长沙 410081 
 广西幼儿师范高等专科学校  南宁 530000 
关键词:身体清洁 道德纯洁 ERPs N400 LPC 


Objective: To investigate the complex relationship between physical cleaning and moral purity and the psychological meaning of physical cleaning after moral disgust priming. Methods: Event-related brain potentials were recorded when participants performed character pattern judgment task(up-down/right-left). stimuli words were consisted of four types, 2 types of priming words(the moral-disgust adjective VS non moral-disgust adjective) and 2 types of target words(physical cleaning verbs VS neutral verbs) The ERPs were compared among physical-moral disgust, physical-non-moral disgust, non-physical-moral disgust and non-physical-non-moral disgust words conditions recorded from target stimuli. Results: ERP waveforms showed that N400 amplitude and latency was not significant, but LPC amplitude at 800-1000ms showed significant two-way interactions of priming words × target words. Post hoc analyses confirmed that the LPC amplitude was enlarged to physical cleaning words compared to neutral words in moral disgust. Conclusion: The processing of physical cleaning words and moral disgust words are closely associated at implicit level, suggesting that the moral disgust would induce individual to do physical cleansing for alleviating disgust and maintaining a good moral self image.


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