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作者:肖宁1 2  朱丹1  肖水源1 
单位:1. 中南大学公共卫生学院  长沙 410078 
 解放军第169医院护理部  衡阳 421002 
关键词:脑肿瘤 延续护理 延续心理护理 患者 患者家属 焦虑 抑郁 


Objective: To explore the effect of continuous psychological nursing on negative emotion in patients with brain tumors and their family members. Methods: Using the controlled clinical trials, 162 patients with brain tumor and their families was divided into control group and observation group. The control group was only recieved follow-up telephone interview, the observation group were received continuous psychological nursing their families. Self-evaluation of anxiety scale(SAS) and depression self rating scale(SDS) were used to measure negative emotions, and treatment adherence and seizures were also investigated. Results: Seizures, SAS and SDS score was significantly lower in observation group at follow-up 14th day, 28th day and 3 months, compared to the control group( P <0.05); With-group comparison showed that observation group had significantly lower SAS and SDS score after discharge at follow-up 14th day, 28th day and 3 months( P < 0.05), meanwhile, treatment adherence in the observation group is significantly higher than that in the control group( P < 0.05). Conclusion: Continuous psychological nursing can effectively relieve anxiety and depression in patients with brain tumor and their families after discharge.


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