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作者:陈琴  王振宏 
单位:陕西师范大学心理学院  西安 710062 
关键词:认知重评 生活满意度 情绪 心理韧性 多重中介 


Objective: To explore the relationships among cognitive reappraisal, affect, resilience, and life satisfaction in college students. Metheds: 364 college students were surveyed with Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, Ego-Resiliency Scale, and Satisfaction with Life Scale. Results: ①Correlation analysis showed that cognitive reappraisal was significantly and negatively correlated with negative affect, while cognitive reappraisal, positive affect, resilience and satisfaction with life positively correlated with each other. ②Multiple mediation modeling showed that cognitive reappraisal, positive affect and negative affect had no direct effects on life satisfaction. Cognitive reappraisal could exert effects on life satisfaction indirectly not only through resilience, but also through the chain mediating effect of positive affect-resilience and negative affect-resilience. Conclusion: Resilience, positive and negative affects have a mediating effect between the cognitive reappraisal and life satisfaction.


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