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作者:杨昱1  王曼2 
单位:1. 中国医科大学附属第一医院血管外科  沈阳 110001 
 中国医科大学附属第一医院精神科  沈阳 110001 
关键词:孤独症 家庭 职业负担 经济负担 

目的:调查评估中国城市学龄前孤独症儿童家庭面临的职业和经济负担。方法:对235个孤独症儿童家庭和235个典型发育儿童家庭进行了调查。使用自制的调查问卷收集职业和经济负担的相关资料。使用Zarit护理负担量表(ZBI)调查了儿童的照顾负担。结果:33%孤独症儿童的父母反映,儿童的照顾问题严重影响了他们的职业;而对照组仅有6%的父母反映存在上述问题。孤独症组的职业受损风险至少为对照组的7倍(OR:7.791;95%CI:4.232-14.345)。孤独症组的年收入显著低于对照组($81,000 VS$112,039,P<0.001),年平均损失收入为$30,957元,使其更难位于高收入家庭的行列(OR:0.319;95%CI:0.220-0.462)。孤独症家庭用于儿童教育培训的年平均费用显著高于对照组($44,130 VS$15,193,P<0.001)。扣除教育培训费用后,孤独症家庭的纯收入仅为对照组的38%,组间差异具有显著性(P<0.001)。结论:孤独症会给学龄前儿童家庭带来沉重的职业和经济负担。有必要投入更多的社会和医疗资源以支持这些家庭。

Objective: To evaluate the employment and financial burdens of families with preschool-aged children diagnosed with autism. Methods: 235 autism families and 235 control families with normal children were investigated in the present study. Employment and financial burdens of these families were evaluated by self-made questionnaire. Results: Thirty-three percent of autism families reported that childcare problems had greatly affected their employment decisions, compared with 6% of control family ( P <0.001). The risk for unemployment in autism family was at least 7 times more than that in normal family(OR: 7.791; 95% CI: 4.232-14.345). The annual income of autism families was significant lower than control families( P <0.001). Moreover, mean annual cost of education in autism families was significantly higher than control family( P <0.001). The net income(after education expenses) of autism families was 38% of that in control families with significant group differences( P <0.001). Conclusion: Families with preschool-aged autism children have heavy employment and financial burden. More social and medical resources should be offered to support such families.


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