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Implicit and Explicit Gender Role Expectations of Pain among College Students in China
作者:WU Xiao-yong1  HUANG Xi-ting2 
单位:1. 中国民用航空飞行学院航空安全保卫学院  广汉 618307 
 西南大学心理学部  重庆 400715 
关键词:关于疼痛的性别角色期望 疼痛敏感性 疼痛耐受力 外部情绪性Simon任务 


Objective: Gender role expectations of pain(GREP) are reflected by individuals'attitudes towards sex differences in pain perception. The aim of the present study was to examine the feature of the Chinese implicit and explicit gender role attitudes of pain. Methods: Explicit and implicit attitudes of 92 Chinese undergraduates to social expectations in pain were investigated using GREP questionnaire and the Extrinsic Affective Simon Task(EAST). Results: The results of GREP investigation were congruent with Robinson, Riley III and Myers(2001). Both male and female participants agreed explicitly that typical woman have a lower pain threshold, lower pain tolerance and higher willingness to report pain than typical man. In EAST test, there was a significant association between men and low frequency of pain reports in both male and female participants. Interestingly, the association between women and high frequency of pain reports was only found among male participants. No such effect was found among female participants. Conclusion: The results suggested that there was dissociation between explicit and implicit GREP toward women among female participants. The results of implicit attitude measurement may provide a more specific GREP towards men and women.


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